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What Does An Enlarged Eu Mean To Me?: A Bigger Family And More Peace in The Wo
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To write this paper better, firstly we have to know what the term “enlargement” is. According to the literature of the EU, it is basically the process of expanding the European Union (EU) through the accession of new member states (1), but I support that it is beyond this definition because with each enlargement, the EU has to redefine its political dynamics, institutional structure and the policy priorities.
The process of enlargement within the EU has two important meanings for me: “more peace in the continent” and “a bigger family with new members”. The members share the same ideas, values and norms. Due to this, they compete with the rest of the world on behalf of the common Europe. When new members join, this family enlarges, and more peace can be kept in the continent.
Throughout the political history, the world has faced many wars. In these wars, the European states played the key roles. France, Germany and Great Britain competed with each other to be the ruler in the continent for centuries. Especially, they were one of the main actors of World War I and World War II. However, after the WWII, France and Germany came together to keep peace in the world via ECCS. After a while, the Inner Six saw that they could live each other in a peaceful situation by reducing material aims. After that, the others started to participate in this club. Today, this club has enlarged to 28 members, and it is possible to go behind 30. The two big historical enemies France and Germany act together on behalf of the future of Europe. This indicates that when a new enlargement is happening, more peace in the continent can be visible because the members act collectively. As known that, EU is a supranational organization, and it is based on many collective policies including common agricultural policies, common foreign policies, common military policies, and so on. Thus, compare to the past, we don’t hear the voice of war in the European continent today… This is one of the best features of enlargement: no possibility of war. By having new members, they reduce the risk of clash because being a member of the EU simply means “acting collectively” for peace. This good feature has benefited the EU. For example, the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the European Union (EU) “for over six decades (having) contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe” by a unanimous decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. (2)
Another good dimension of European enlargement is based on sharing the common European values with others. With the help of enlargement, the new comers bring new values into the family. Enlargement helps them to apply basic European norms, such as democracy, human rights, rule of law, respects for minorities, and etc into their domestic policies. We can see this situation after the collapses of the USSR and Yugoslavia in the 1990s. The collapses brought new independent states, but they didn’t apply democratic rules into their governments immediately because the former ideology was communism, so switching from communism to liberal democracy was not easy for them. However, they changed their faces rapidly with the idea of being a member of the EU. Today, if we look at the former parts of the USSR “Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia”, they have (still) adopted Copenhagen Criteria which is based on the basic European values and identities. Moreover, there is a good possible scenario. In the future, the Union can be bigger with new possible members. If Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina become members of the EU, this will be a big event because since the 1900s, these two ones have had political problems, but when they may join, they can (should) live together in peace by talking about problems. Thus, I believe that the EU should not be worry about the new enlargements because the family will enlarge and peace will win in the ground once more.
All in all, the best meanings of European enlargement for me are based on a simple sentence, “more enlargements, more peace and a bigger family…”
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